360 Degree Panorama Photos Ordered Removed by Slovenian Government

Slovenia.jpgAs photographers living in the US, we run into a lot of issues regarding the legality of snapping photos of federal buildings or of police, but generally things are pretty cool. It’s a much different story in Slovenia.

Photographer Bostjan Burger specializes in 360 degree panorama shots of landmarks, scenic landscapes and cities, but he ran into trouble recently when he was told that he was violating privacy laws. According to Burger, “still pictures or VR panoramas where people or their property can be recognized are not allowed in the territory of Slovenia.”

Apparently the penalty for his photos could be as much as $ 20,000 or a year in prison. A year in prison for photographing random groups of people in a 360 degree panorama is a bit harsh in our humble opinions. Needless to say, the issue has sparked a great deal of debate.

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