Delkin’s New CF Card is the Fastest Ever

Delkin-64GB.jpgIt’s a headline that we’re getting pretty used to writing, but something we don’t really get sick of talking about. Memory cards are constantly improving – getting bigger and faster all the time. The latest from Delkin holds true to this pattern.

The new CombatFlash 685 can transfer at speeds of up to 103 MB per second. That’s a gig in 10 seconds and a full 64GB card in about 10 minutes. It’s not just a speedy card either, the CombatFlash series is made to withstand just about any conditions you can throw at it.

“Unlike a traditional CF memory card, the CombatFlash PCB is protected with a Tekta infusion process that enables the card to achieve phenomenal reliability and performance in environments where a normal CF card would typically fail,’ says Anna Lopez, marketing manager for Delkin. “The card is protected from underwater submersion, solid impact, corrosion, rust & more.”

Delkin’s CombatFlash 685 series is now available in capacities ranging from 8GB ($ 149) to 64GB ($ 899).


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