DxO Releases FilmPack 3 to Give Your Photos That Classic Look

DxO-FilmPack3.jpgFilm buffs are like analog buffs in the home theater world. Sure analog sound is less convenient and pretty much incompatible with modern technology, but they love it for what it is.

Of course, most of us switch over to the new tech eventually. So for those of us shooting digitally that still want the classic look, there’s DxO FilmPack 3.

“Our thorough approach to accurately characterizing the unique rendering of each film allows DxO FilmPack 3 users to faithfully apply the visual signature of many iconic silver halide films,” says CEO Jerome Meniere, “some of which are not available anymore, such as Kodachrome.”

You can pick up DxO FilmPack 3 in two different versions – the $ 49 Essential Edition or the $ 99 Expert Edition. If you want to take it for a spin before you buy it, check out the free trial.

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