Apparently, her grandsons had been playing in the backyard the day before, and one of them managed to turn on a garden hose. The running water went undetected, despite the hose’s pinhole leak, and the next morning Brenda found her porch and nearby lawn sprouting icicles. Like all true shutterbugs, Brenda first grabbed her camera before turning off the water.
The resulting photos are stunning, showing off a range of details and textures and light. It’s like a miniature winter wonderland.
This, of course, got me thinking about how easy and fun it could be for others to recreate this for their own photos. All you need is running water, a hose, freezing temperatures, time, and a little luck (though we must caution anyone operating exterior water pipes in the winter to proceed carefully, as these pipes love to freeze and burst if left unattended).
Thanks again to Brenda and Tom for sharing!