Samsung TL320 12MP Digital Camera with 5x Schneider Wide Angle Dual Image Stabilized Zoom and 3.0 inch OLED Screen (Silver)
- 12.2-megapixel effective recording
- 5X optical zoom (5X digital/25X total zoom)
- 3″ OLED viewscreen gives a bright view for outdoor shooting and helps save battery power
- Dual Image Stabilization (optical and digital)
- Wide-angle lens for shooting landscapes and large groups
The Samsung TL320, with a 5x optical zoom and 24mm ultra wide lens, breaks ground by featuring the world’s first 3.0-inch VGA AMOLED screen. The organic LED screen out performs conventional TFT LCD screens with better contrast and a brighter screen that really helps when shooting in both bright sunlight and dark conditions. The 960k pixel packed screen also shows fantastic detail when framing the shot and in playback. The 12 mega pixel TL320 also includes HD movie capture so you can “Pause and Re-record” high definition videos and super sharp movie-quality recordings in one movie clip – a Samsung patented function. The cameras also include “Smart Auto” (Scene Recognition) technology: 11 optimized picture pre-settings such as Portrait, Night portrait, Macro and Macro Color, to help take the perfect shot regardless of the conditions.
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TL320 vs Panasonic DMC-ZS3,
I spent many days researching compact digitals online before choosing the TL320 and the Panasonic DMC-ZS3. I am not a pro photog but am very particular about my photos. I have used a Casio Exilm EX-P700 for many years and it is, or was an excellent camera that always got it right, until recently it will only focus indoors about 30% of the time. My hope was to find something as good. The TL320 is built exceptionally well, menu system is a breeze, the Amoled screen is unbelievable, strong flash. The smart mode produces perfectly exposed and saturated, very sharp photos as long as it has good light. Anything outside well into dusk has been excellent. Bring it in the house with artificial light and the ISO jumps to 400 producing, in my opinion useless pictures. However switching it to Program mode and setting ISO to 200, contrast 0 ,sharpness 2,and saturation 2 almost always is just superb. ISO on auto almost never jumps above 200 unless real dark in P mode. I have tried every combination of all settings and this is what works best. Flash intensity and EV can be altered to taste and are very responsive, but it seems best as default in all but mentioned. Upping the contrast to 1 will really define things but you need good light or details in the darker areas are less evident. All in all , I just Love this camera and have yet to see any printed (4×6) pictures from any camera rival it. Got the Panasonic at the same time to see what I liked best. The Panny was the only camera that I found to ever get 5 stars in a pro review, and the customer reviews mostly glowed with praise. Panasonic build quality is way below the TL. Feels cheap, very few controls, screen is ok, but not close to the TL. Flash is completely useless. Anything in limited light at all is just junk. No controls to make it work. I put it on a tripod in my living room at night with 2 table lamps in the room and stood the length of my coffee table from the camera and I could hardly tell it was me! Did the same with the TL and I could count the hairs in my mustache. Outside in good light it does a good job, but identical pictures from both camera’s enlarged on my pc showed the TL to have better detail. The battery life on the Panny is pathetic. The TL is possibly 3 times better. In summary, I don’t know how the DMC-ZS3 gets such great reviews and the TL320 worse and much fewer. Maybe people aren’t taking Samsung seriously and just not buying, and the pro reviewers seem somewhat biased. Long and short of it, the Panny went back and the TL stayed. Would I recommend this camera? ABSOLUTELY!!
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Fun to use, pocket able advanced compact camera,
Samsung TL320 / WB1000 is Samsung advanced compact camera with full manual control for creative photography. There is two major selling point of TL320: 24-120mm f/2.8-5.8 lens, and 3′ hVGA AMOLED screen. Today, Compact camera which has 24mm is considered rare because it is expensive for manufacturer to make. The lens also has decent maximum aperture. the 5 X zoom length is long enough for various shooting conditions.
LCD Screen
The 3 inches AMOLED LCD screen is very clear and nice to look at especially indoor. But when I use the camera outdoor, like other compact cameras, it still have problem under bright light condition. Glare and reflection obstruct your view, and it can be annoying when you are composing the picture . The LCD screen has 4:3 ratio instead of 3:2 ratio that we usually see in DSLR.
Sensor and Image resolution
One other thing that important to mention is the sensor and image size. The sensor size is 1/2.33 inch (1.09cm) CCD and 12 megapixel maximum resolution. The sensor size is considered small for advance compact camera. Competitors such as Canon S90 IS has 1/1.7 inch and Award winning Panasonic LX3 has 1/1.63 inch. AS a result, image in ISO 400 and above are not that clean. But to be fair, those competitors have a $100-150 higher price tag.
There are several aspect ratios we can choose. But to get full resolution (12 mp or 4000 X 3000) we need to shoot in four thirds (4:3) ratio. If you want to shoot in 3:2 ratio, you will get only 10 mp. and if you shoot in 16:9 ratio (wide screen), you will get 9 mp. Samsung suggests that 9 mp image is good to print up to A2 size and 12 mp is good up to A1 size.
Body and Handling
Samsung TL32 has a sleek, compact body. The lens is fully collapsible when camera is off. The size is relatively small compare to other advance compact cameras and it is very pocket-able.
Samsung also has rotating / round dial, which is use to navigate menu and changing aperture, shutter speed or other setting. I personally like it because I’ve used Canon EOS 40D and Canon G series before, and they have the same concept.
Build quality is relatively good. Its outer casing is made by metal which exudes confidence. However, the round dial (Samsung calls it smart dial) is a bit flimsy. Ironically, the tripod mount is made by plastic instead of metal. But it won’t bother me because I won’t use tripod when shooting with this camera 99% most of the time.
The body design is cool, especially the top part of the camera. It has two analog indicators of battery and memory card capacity. Some people might thing it is redundant, but I feel it is very informative. The color of the top plate is black, but in the body is primarily dark brown.
Operation and Auto Focus
Overall, this compact camera is very responsive. Start up time is about 1 second. Auto focus is fast. The whole camera operation is almost silent.There are three kinds of AF system you can choose: Full automatic, multiple focus points and user selector.
Changing basic settings of the camera such as AWB, ISO, photo style, face detection and exposure compensation are very easy and relatively fast. You only need to press Fn (Function) button, and then do the adjustments.
The camera also have macro focusing capability (focusing very close to fill small object to the frame). Unfortunately, the macro focusing is limited to 5 cm. So you can’t get really close to the subject. It also affect depth of field. You can’t really blur everything out of sight in macro mode. It is partly because of the limitation of macro focusing and also the because of the tiny sensor size.
Like other compact cameras, locking focus on fast moving subjects remain a challenge. If you are planning to shoot that kind of photography, I will suggest to get digital SLR camera instead of compact camera.
Image Quality and ISO Comparison
Samsung TL320 image quality is excellent in bright light and base ISO 80. The color is nice and the auto white balance is accurate. Shooting indoor, the camera does not disappoint. Thanks to the wide aperture of f/2.8 at the wide end and image stabilization which enable you to shoot in slower shutter speed.
Image quality up to ISO 400 is very good. At ISO 800, the camera starts to apply noise reduction software, as a result, the image becomes a bit soft. ISO 3200 is basically unacceptable because the appearance of noise is really apparent and the color of the image becomes dull.
Video Mode
Samsung TL320 is able to record 1280×720p high quality video with stereo sound. Depend on the size of the video, you can record at 15, 30 or 60 fps. In addition, you can choose photo style/filter to apply to your movie to convey the mood.
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