Stampy Camera Magically Turns Photos into Rubber-Stamps
The Stampy Digital Camera reminds me of persons old “How To Draw Comic-Books” guides. You’d make a step lone (stick men), step two and a step three (the amazing, finished artwork). Somewhere here was a missing step 2.5, which was everywhere the real key happened.
The Stampy furthermore has this missing step. The camera takes a picture (step 1). You at that time influence it apart to expose a rubber-stamp and ink-pad surrounded by (step 2) and at that time you simply slap it down on a cut of paper to make a monochrome rendition of the photo you took (step 3). How on earth does your picture make twisted from photons of light into nodules of rubber?
It’s a real bring shame on, as this instant-printing thought is visibly in the spirit of the first Polaroid. I suspect it will by no means be made until the designer, Jinhee Kim, in fact invents a means pro at that time inside as a replacement for of relying on an a sprinkling of pixie-dust to get on to it take place.
Inside the meantime, I’d like to offer my own invention. It’s a teleportation device which will surely terrify the travel industry with its look good of emancipated, instantaneous moving. So far I be inflicted with an almost working prototype made from two phone-booths, lone in New York and lone in London.