UK Photographer David Norton Offers Tips on Going Pro

Going Pro.jpgFor many that consider photography to be more than just a hobby, the dream is to transition from simply a talented amateur to a pro, making money doing what they love. UK travel photographer David Norton wants to help.

On Photography Blog, he’s written the first part of a series on making the transition. One thing he stresses on the subject is that going pro isn’t easy or glamorous, and it certainly doesn’t pay well, at least until you really make a name for yourself. Talking about a plumber that’s thinking of going pro in photography he says that “He’ll certainly find out quickly he can earn way more as a plumber then as a photographer!”

He also puts a large focus on what it’s like to work as a freelancer. There are plenty of obstacles along the way and managing your time, keeping on task and dealing with a not-so-steady paycheck are among the challenges that an aspiring photographer has to face.

On starting in the industry he writes, “Don’t be too proud. While a clear sense of purpose of where you want to be in the profession eventually is desirable for the first few years you’re going to have to believe that just surviving as a photographer is a huge achievement.”

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