Amazing Macro Snowflake Photos Captured with an iPhone and $5 Accessory

We can talk about gear all we want, but
when it comes right down to it, photographers that know what they’re
doing can create great photos with even the simplest of tools.
Photographer Bob Woodworth managed some very cool macro shots of
snowflakes using only an iPhone 5 and a macro attachment that he
picked up for $ 5 on Amazon.

The result is pretty phenomenal.
Woodworth took the shots outdoors against his dark backpack and ended
up with a series of very nice looking pictures.

That doesn’t mean the iPhone is going
to replace your DSLR of course. “You have to get very close to
the subject and have a very steady hand or something to use as a
brace,” says Woodworth. “I took about 30 shots and these
were the only ones that weren’t blurry or out of focus.”

(via PetaPixel)

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