How to Capture Photos of the Meteor Shower Tonight

A supporter of mine is a splendid photographer. I asked him how to take approximately splendid pictures of the Perseid meteor shower. Since the shower is tonight and my supporter did not be inflicted with the calculate to produce me a two-year photography way in six hours, I opted pro approximately pointers with the intention of must allow me (and beyond doubt you) to spurt approximately splendid pictures.
Inside training, take the following:
A small flashlight (one of persons key-chain LED illumination facility fine) in justification you need to exchange camera settings.
A skilled support, a close relief cable if your camera chains it.
Sandbags or picture bags to the top with principal shot.
A fleeting bungee chord or two.
Spare camera batteries fully charged.
Plenty of film if your camera is not a digital lone. If you be inflicted with a digital camera, involve several reminiscence storage space cards or sticks (there is permanently a opportunity of a license failure, and you don’t aspire to lose all your pics.
Now energy make approximately splendid shots!
Befall reverent of people’s confidential property and sort out not energy into the Mt. Hamilton Observatory itself as it is clogged to the broadcast by night.
First of all, (and this is really important) you need to make away from street illumination and be inflicted with a apparent check over of the sky. For persons of you in the SF Bay Area, drive made known to the Mount Hamilton area and playground along lone of the many Vistas everywhere you be inflicted with a apparent check over of a section of sky.
Next, and this is solely as valuable, aid a support and hang a sandbag or a bag of principal shot from the focal point of the support. This will produce you a rock solid mount pro your camera.
Point your camera upward linking 30-degrees and 45-degrees from horizontal. This will produce you better pictures. Do not top the camera straight up.
Equally soon as it gets dark, start taking pictures. Take a extra picture each little or so. This is everywhere a digital camera has a cost benefit ended film. However a standard to generous format film camera will make you negatives you can blow up to cover a opportunity! Of way if you can afford a generous format camera, film expenditure must not agonize you.
Make guaranteed thumbs down illumination are in your check over. Also stomach to the feature of your lens to get on to guaranteed you sort out not make a reflection rancid the lens from a feature light source. Use the lens buffer with the intention of came with your lens if de rigueur to check made known the reflection.
If your digital camera chains a night mode, curve it on. It will suppress the little white specs of
Set your camera exposure calculate to 1 little to 1-1/2 minutes and fit the aperture to as large as doable (the less important the digit the better).
If you try to take with the intention of “perfect” shot of a meteor, don’t. By the calculate you think it over it, it will be ended previous to you can press the close relief.
Finally don’t agonize in this area one you fail to attend.