Samsung EC-TL500ZBPBUS 10 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom (Black)
- 10 Megapixels
- 3X Optical Zoom with Schneider 24Mm Wide Angle Lens. F/1.8-2.4
- 3″ Amoled Rotating Screen
- Auto Or Full Manual Control
- Up To Is0 3200
10 Mp Digital Camera with 3X Schneider Wide-Angle Optical Zoom Lens And 3″ Amoled Rotating Screen (Black)
List Price: $ 449.99
Price: $ 449.99
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Best P&S camera I have ever used, but not for everyone,
This camera is far and away the best point and shoot I have ever used. It takes beautiful pictures and has a great collection of controls so you don’t spend a lot of time in menus. It is even better then the Canon G11 in adjusting exposure compensation because you don’t have to move your hands to change the setting. It also has the best LCD on any camera I have ever used, including a number of DSLRs.
Anyone looking for an advanced pocketable camera would be wise to check this one out.
Having said that, there are four things you should know about this camera before you decide to get it:
1) Zoom range runs from 24mm-72mm.
2) The video is only 480p.
3) At this time (6/17/2010), the Mac software to support RAW file editing must be downloaded from Samsung’s web site.
4) The camera is quite small, but it is larger then a typical P&S.
For my needs, these were not serious deficiencies. While I would obviously have preferred a longer zoom, most of my shots tend to be at the wider end. And while I would also have liked to have had HD video, I hardly use the video functions anyhow. YMMV.
Prior to owning this camera, my favorite small camera was the Panasonic LX3. The TL500 beats it in IQ, high ISO performance, controls and LCD.
If you are looking for a always there camera with the best possible still pictures in the zoom range of 24-72, this camera is the one to have.
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What are you expecting?,
So i’ve had this camera for about a week now, i’ve taken about 500 photos with it. I’m still learning the ins and outs of it.
My review echoes many of the above points.
Those of you expecting a DSLR image quality compact, keep looking. You’ll look for years.
This is not a comparison to a DSLR, the samsung is a nice substitute as long as you keep in mind it does not and cannot take pics like a DSLR.
As long as you keep in mind the limitations listed below, you’ll be happy.
I bought this camera as an alternative to carrying my dslr.
If you want
-decent shots at iso800 (3200 is not usable, 1600 maybe if you convert to black and white or artistic qualities of noise)
-hot shoe (i’m playing with radio triggers and my speedlight)
-nice screen
-midrange zoom, largest aperture in class
-nice build, great ergonomics…
-nice two dial system, like a dslr
-moderately portable point and shoot (won’t fit in your jeans pocket-maybe a jacket or cargo pants)
-you can turn off the electronic shutter sound, so essentially limiting the noise it makes to a “click”…for whatever purpose that may serve you…
-non HD video
-you can flip and protect the screen when you store the camera.
this is an excellent choice….
Some cons which i think are significant to consider, but are not deal-breakers for me….However, please understand that i shoot a DSLR in RAW/NEF
-WB is not consistent from shot to shot…so this could be an issue if shooting .jpg
-If you shoot RAW so you can adjust WB, RAW takes a long time to write (although i’m using a class4 and class 6 SD card)
-typical P&S lag time from shoot to capture (again i shoot a dslr)….not quite fast enough to catch my child like my DSLR
-please don’t think a 1.8 lens will have the same DOF on a P&S as DSLR…the larger the sensor, the shallower the DOF. You just won’t get the shallow depth of field or bokeh that you would get with a f1.8 or f2.8 lens on a DSLR, except for when doing macro or having a very minimal distance from subject photos….
-To say that this 24-72mm f/1.8-2.4 is faster than a nikkor or canon 24-70 f/2.8 is only taking into account numbers and not the sensors of their respective cameras. Not an equal comparison.
-You can easily hand hold this camera for low shutter speeds, but you’re limited to low light photography by the amount of noise above 800.
So far, what do i think this camera is great for?
I think this camera is great for food shots! I think this camera would be great for static images like food or other product shots and architecture.
Not that great for capturing a playing child, but then again, most P&S are not.
I’ll addend my review as i spend more time and test it with off camera flash.
Update-July 3 and 4.
So this camera is pretty good for macro photography, provided you can get up close to your subject. The minimum focal distance is such that you have to be careful not to touch the subject with the lens…
It works with my Cactus triggers a.k.a “poverty wizards” and Nikon speedlight.
I use this case-I think it fits perfectly.
Update Aug 2.
So I’ve gotten a little more time with this camera. The low-light is pretty good. I especially like the wide angle.
One negative is battery life. It stinks. Maybe at best you can get 200 shots or so…It takes a long time to charge with the included adapter as well.
Update 08/07/10
White balance…maybe i’m just used to raw and fixing WB in post (I think the D90 wasn’t that great with WB) but I think the WB on the TL500 tends to be too cool sometimes….or at least those are the pictures i remember thinking the WB was off. So what i’ve done since i don’t shoot raw with this camera as it takes a long time to write to the SD card (maybe i need a card faster than class 6), i set the bracket to WB and shoot. It automatically takes three shots with one click of the button. One warmer and one cooler. It only brackets in A,P,S modes though.
Another thing is i think it tends to overexpose, so i set the EV to -0.3.
I do like this camera a lot though. The lowlight ability really pleasantly surprises me and in the right setting ISO 1600 is usable.
I played around with my cousin’s panasonic LX3. Maybe I’m biased, but this camera feels like a tank compared to the LX3. Like the difference between a nikon d300 and nikon d40. I actually think that if i had the LX3 first, I’d like the layout and feel of the samsung more.
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Absolutely “Best In Class”. Period.,
I actually have a great deal to say about this camera. I’ve written pages and pages prepping for this little review.
Instead, I’m going to wing it….
First, know this… I take these reviews seriously.
If you look at my other reviews you’ll see that I do NOT hand out 5-star reviews like candy.
This camera just WALKS away with top credits, in my book. I’ve handled / owned a lot of cameras.
Ladies and gentleman, this is one high-quality piece of gear.
Since you’ve probably already familiarized yourself with all the dry numbers, specs, etc, I thought it would be of more value to a perspective buyer to get more of a “FEELING” about this particular piece of hardware. If you’re taking the time to do all this research, you are probably one who knows how intimately one can “bond” with a piece of gear like this. It becomes rather instinctive, like driving a car.
Here’s my guess… If you’re looking at this particular camera, then you are probably hunting HARD for a worthy alternative to an SLR. You want something capable, that is going to give you SERIOUS control, SLR-like quality results, without having to drag along a big burly camera making you look like a tourist everywhere you go.
So I’m guessing you’ve found the standard top-of-the-line point and shoot offerings: Canon’s G11, S90, and Panasonic’s LX3 (or 5)
My opinion: Samsung TL500 / EX1 bests them all. Broadly. And that is saying a LOT.
Fit and Finish: absolutely top notch.
Weight / handling: terrific.
aesthetics: I’m very utilitarian, so this is usually something I ignore, but in this case, I find the TL500 to be just a GOOD looking machine.
The only specific feature I really want to talk about is the articulated screen…
I consider a SIDE-MOUNTED, fully articulating screen to be the MOST important feature in any digital camera, and the screen
on this particular camera is hands-down the finest I’ve very seen on ANY camera. Just superb. If it had lips, I would kiss it.
(if you’ve never used articulated screen before, you’re in for a treat, let me tell ya…)
PROS: all of the above, and a whole lot more.
CONS: Only one that impacts my shooting thus far: NO dedicated custom mode button. I like (and make use of) “custom” modes. I like to programm at least 2 modes as custom, generally I like to jump in and out of “macro” mode a lot; and I like to set a custom mode for high-shutter speed shooting if I want to catch some action real quick, which I generally seldom do. I like tripod / monopod / long shutter / low ISO work, even in bright light.
Easy enough to work around, of course. It’s just something I’m fond of, and make use of regularly.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Nobody has yet managed to produce “the perfect camera” so you will find plenty of things to nit-pick about with ANY camera purchase.
I hope this somewhat emotional over-view of the TL500 was of a bit more use than dancing around about the lens and image quality.
Best of luck with your purchase decision.
Whatever you chose, remember, the only camera that MATTERS is the one you have with you when you need it.
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