Samsung ST80 joins Wi-Fi camera range

The extra ST80 allows users to share photos they’ve solely taken lacking the aid of a notebook.
The Samsung ST80 is the newest in Samsung’s range of cameras with built-in Wi-Fi to allow users to share images via a wireless connection. It has a 14.2Mp lens, 3x optical zoom and is able to capture HD record by 720p pledge with up to 30 frames for every following.
Wireless connectivity
Inside addition to emailing pictures, the ST80 can furthermore upload pictures and record frankly to social networking and other sites, such as Facebook, Picasa and You Tube.
All of this relies on access to a Wi-Fi connection. The camera comes equipped with an tab pro mobile hotspot source Boingo, which provides more than 120,000 mobile sweltering a skin condition around the planet, counting 5,631 in the United Kingdom.
Edit on the move
Samsung claims with the intention of the ST80’s ‘Smart Crop’ figure allows the user to edit their photos frankly on the camera, pro occasion to correct one photos with the intention of were taken out of kilter. It furthermore includes a ‘Smart Auto’ setting, which Samsung claims recognises the shooting background and selects the appropriate settings involuntarily.