Canon PowerShot SX120IS 10MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Images Stabilized Zoom and 3-inch LCD

Canon PowerShot SX120IS 10MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Images Stabilized Zoom and 3-inch LCD

  • High-powered 10x wide-angle optical zoom with Optical Image Stabilizer
  • 3.0-inch PureColor System LCD; Smart AUTO detects and analyzes faces, brightness, colors, distance, and movement
  • Easy Mode takes all the guesswork out of the equation by determining the right shooting mode
  • DIGIC 4 Image Processor; 10-megapixel resolution for poster-size, photo-quality prints
  • Powered by AA batteries (included); capture images to SD/SDHC memory cards (not included)

– 10.0 Megapixels- 10x optical zoom with optical image stabilizer-3.0 LCD- DIGIC(R) 4 image processor-Smart auto intelligently selects the proper setting for the camera based on 22 predefined shooting situations-Easy mode takes the guess work out of the equation by determining the right shooting mode for the situation- Requires AA batteries

List Price: $ 159.99

Price: $ 159.99

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1 Reply to “Canon PowerShot SX120IS 10MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Images Stabilized Zoom and 3-inch LCD”

  1. Mary Kate says:
    430 of 442 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    A Rank Amateur’s Review, September 18, 2009
    Mary Kate (Wisconsin, USA) –
    (TOP 500 REVIEWER)

    This review is from: Canon PowerShot SX120IS 10MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Images Stabilized Zoom and 3-inch LCD (Electronics)

    I can’t write an in depth review of this camera because I simply don’t have the knowledge of either cameras or photography. But I can tell you what I, as a rank amateur, like about it and why I chose it.

    I have grandkids. I needed a camera that would allow me to capture decent pictures of them – and in a digital format – so that I can, like all good grandparents, brag about my grandkids via email and attach photos to prove that they are the cutest kids on the face of the earth.

    I had my “good” camera – an old Pentax K1000 that I’ve had for about 30 years – and a small, inexpensive digital camera that I got a few years ago and have never been happy with. Not only was the Pentax not digital, it also turns out that the grandkids can move much faster than I can focus. And that camera purchased as my first attempt at digital just wasn’t cutting it. It was overly complicated and with it I wasn’t getting pictures good enough to share.

    I gave my needs some thought and made the following criteria list:
    Easy to use.
    Fast shutter speed.
    Easy to use.
    Small enough to fit into my purse easily.
    Easy to use.

    My needs were simple and I didn’t think it would be too hard to find a camera to fit the bill. Happily, I was right.

    After my initial research had convinced me to go with a Canon, I borrowed my brother’s Rebel (don’t know the model number) and my son’s Canon PowerShot Pro Series S5 IS. I knew that neither fit my criteria (not to mention the $500-$700 price range was more than I wanted to spend), but using them for a few days gave me the opportunity to check out some of Canon’s features.

    That’s how I discovered the Optical Image Stabilizer. I can see from reviews of other cameras that it’s been around for a few years, but I’d never used it before. It immediately went to the top of my list of desired features – even above “easy to use”!

    I have a tremor condition that causes fine shaking in my hands. It doesn’t bother me and doesn’t always affect close work, but it can make holding something steady – say, for instance, a camera – almost impossible. As you can guess, the result of that shakiness when snapping photos is, most often, crappy photos.

    Canon’s Optical Image Stabilizer was like a miracle for me. With it, I could take close ups that were startlingly clear – not every time, of course, but MOST times. And, in combination with a fast shutter speed, the Image Stabilizer helped me to get some great shots – even action shots – of my test subject, my dog.

    With my adjusted criteria list, I did some more research that led me to the Canon PowerShot SX120IS 10MP. One of Canon’s newer models, the PowerShot SX120IS puts ease of use in the forefront of its advertising. It fit all of my criteria and at a decent price.

    I haven’t had this camera for very long, but I’m already thrilled with it. The Easy Mode is actually EASY! What a concept! The LCD screen is larger than what I’ve used previously and makes it easier for me to judge if the picture I just took is relatively clear. The Image Stabilizer continues to be my new best friend.

    Good points:
    Fast shutter speed
    Genuinely easy to use
    Small size
    Decent price

    Bad points:
    I’m so happy with my choice that I can’t think of any right now!

    If I was a serious photographer, I may well have chosen a more comprehensive camera (with all those features and symbols only serious photographers can decipher). But for my level of use and my personal needs, this one does a terrific job and didn’t overly strain the budget. Yeah!


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