Im getting an 8mega pixel digital camera for christmas. Any tips for getting awsome pics?

What can I take pics of?

And Idea how to get awsome snaps?(Like..of people doing things or animals or somthing)

any good tips for pics?

4 Replies to “Im getting an 8mega pixel digital camera for christmas. Any tips for getting awsome pics?”

  1. Genaveve23 says:

    There are 3 shoots I absolutely HAVE to do… a pin up, body painted, and with live animals.. So … see you in June? :0)

  2. daipengg says:

    Good for you. It was her animals excrement. I bet she remembers to carry her own bag next time.

  3. stalepopcornau says:

    My mum and I can go from discussing CACHE and DOGTOOTH to then me shaking my head at her purchasing EVAN ALMIGHTY “because of the animals”.

  4. harley MIke says:

    First and foremost ead the insturction manual that comes with it…Nowadays these little point and shoot cameras have an owners manual that is thicker than the camera itself but they are jam pakced with good tips…Here is greaqt one for the hollidays…tried and true by yours truly..IF your camera has teh ability to shut off the flash ( manual will say so if possible) then secure the camera to a fixed loaction ( like a pce of funiture etc) and take a time lapse photo of your tree. If you take it this way the tree when lit will come out all warm and aglow….the lights will shine softly and the light given off by the tree will bathe your room in a warm light…If you take it with the flash you will not see the Christmas tree lights…..and the room will be very very bright. Your tree will not look nearly as well as the former method justdescribed.There are plenty of tricks and treats you will find that you can do with this camera so ad up on it and enjoy…8 megapixels shouel give you good quality pictures up to a 16×20 blow-up poster…After taht 8 megapixels starts to degrade a bit

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