Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens Reviews

Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens

Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens

  • DX-Nikkor reduces the diameter of the lens’ image circle, allowing a range of lenses with practical size and excellent performance
  • DX-Nikkor lenses offer compact and lightweight design, fast aperture and fast autofocus via NIKON’s Silent Wave Motor design
  • 180 degree diagonal angle-of-view
  • Close range focusing up to a near 5.5 inches
  • Innnovative Close Range Correction ( CRC ) technology ensures consistently crisp, sharp images

Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens (2148)

List Price: $ 830.00

Price: $ 830.00

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3 Replies to “Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens Reviews”

  1. Justin says:
    43 of 46 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Even better than I expected, January 3, 2006
    Justin (Wyoming) –

    This review is from: Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens (Electronics)

    This really is a fabulous lens – I am relatively new to digital SLR photography, and have been slowly acquiring lenses over the past six months. Just added this to my camera bag, and I am impressed.

    First, the build quality is first-rate. The lens feels solid in the hand. This is a DX lens, so there is no aperture ring, and the result is a lens with very few moving parts and a clean, well put-together appearance. Second, the optics are very good – I don’t know much about pincushioning, but I do know that the quality of the image I get is #1. I have been experimenting by taking close-ups of my dogs, and I can’t get enough of the fisheye treatment.

    If you are looking for a second wide-angle lens, and have an eye for images that are beyond the ordinary, this lens will not disappoint.

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  2. Ali Pourmand says:
    67 of 69 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Look through the eyes of creativity, August 11, 2006
    Ali Pourmand

    This review is from: Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens (Electronics)

    I doubt it if anyone would want to use this lens for family photos (unless you want to get a good laugh out of grandma’s smile!) or weddings (pros know better) or even your average wide angle landscape. This lens is for those who see the world in a different way and would like to run with their creative shoes. Those who complain about the huge distortion from this lens should realize the sole purpose of this lens is to give you distorted images! If you want to get super wide angle, go for Nikon’s 12-24 (if you have a grand to part with and a very happy marriage to ruin!) or the equally impressive and half the price 12-24 Tokina. You can even get the sigma 10-20 and be very happy. All these great lenses will give you minimum distortion and ultra-wide images. But if you invest some $600 in a fisheye like this superb Nikon glass, you should be prepared to see the world differently. Once you teach yourself how to bring the best out of this lens, there will be a whole new world for you to explore.

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  3. J. Best "takeahack" says:
    207 of 216 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Quality Fisheye, July 26, 2005

    This review is from: Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens (Electronics)

    A fantastic lens! I was hesitant to move into the digital realm, because any lens wide enough to still be wide on the DX sensor can be priced in the area of thousands of dollars. As an advanced amatuer, willing to spend money, but not in a position to have an economic return on the investment, anything more expensive then a single paycheck is beyond my means.

    But I bit the bullet, and bought the amazing Nikon D70. Lo, and behold, Nikon actually DIDN’T disappoint its customers (like so many other companies which make promises that never come to fruition). The new line-up of DX lenses are amazing.

    In my opinion the sexiest of all the new DX Nikkor lenses is the 10.5mm Fisheye (not the most usefull, nor the strongest lens in the series, yet certainly the most interesting, and definitely the least expected). With its 180% field of view, and dramaticly cartoonish effect, I’m sure that many Nikon shooters, myself included will be having alot of fun, and getting alot of laughs at some of the great pictures we’ll be taking with this affordable piece of glass.

    Highly recommended.

    I do feel the need to add a closing remark to this review. At the time of this writing, two other reviews preceeded my own. Both require a differing amount of disagreement. For the first gentleman who was disappointed by the large amount of pincushining, the question must be asked to him what he thought a fisheye lens was. This is NOT simply a 10.5mm lens. This is a FISHeye lens. Its SUPPOSED to have that effect. His review was negative quite obviously because he didn’t know what he was buying, and giving a piece of equipment a 2/5 rating because you don’t know what your buying is the height of ignorance. I would request that his review would be removed, although I’m sure it wont be, since it wasn’t vulger, or offensive to anyone (its only offensive to people who are offended by ignorance, which apperently I am).

    And to the second gentleman, I appriciate your review, it was well thought out, and I’m in no way saying you are ignorant, although I still think your slightly missing the point of the lens. Sure, you can use Nikon Capture to reduce the fisheye effect, but I feel I must as why you would do such a thing. Granted, at that point you could use it as a standard 16mm lens (on a D series camera), but in my opinion this would be a tragedy.

    This is THE fisheye lens for all us DX shooters. Don’t regret the fisheye, don’t deny the fisheye, don’t pretend it isn’t a fisheye, EMBRACE the fisheye.

    Go out and take pictures which EMPHASIZE the fisheye. Learn how the lens works, how the distortion “feels”. Take ADVANTAGE of the fisheye. If all you use this lens for is a 16mm (35mm equivalent), then your missing the most wonderfull thing about this lens.

    Anyone who doesn’t understand the charm of the fisheye, heres a photography tip which wont cost you a cent: find a perch ten, or fifteen feet in the air, have a friend (kids are the best choice), and take a shot STRAIGHT down at them. They’ll be dead center in the picture, they’ll be low on distortion, and you’ll have your ENTIRE backyard in the periphery of the shot.

    Sure, you could do that shot with a regular 16mm lens… but… what fun would that be?

    Just another shot of your kid.

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